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Follow Hudson’s journey
Any updates on Hudson’s prognosis and treatment will be chronicled below. We thank you for following his journey and for praying for him and his family through this battle.
Jesus, we trust in you. ♡

October 10 - Time at Home & Round Three
We had a great week at home! Clare finally felt better from her illness and was able to join us back at home on Saturday afternoon. We took a family trip to the pumpkin patch and enjoyed a Jim & Sylvia Reinagel family reunion, soccer games for both girls, and lots of time outside soaking in this beautiful weather. Hudson has had lots of great energy and has been feeling good.

October 2 - We are Home!
ROUND 2 We’re home! We got a huge and welcome surprise during rounds this morning when they said Hudson could be discharged! I had already calculated his ANC from his lab results on MyChart, so I knew he was only at 170, and I was expecting it would need to be a bit higher before they let us go. But the oncology team felt he could finish recovering at home, so we happily packed up and headed south!

October 1 - Great News
We got GREAT news during rounds this morning - Hudson’s MRI was clear with no signs of disease! Thank you, thank you, Jesus! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

September 30 - Follow-up MRI
9:00pm - Hudson had a busy day! We had to wake him early for his MRI under sedation, and he wasn’t too happy about it, nor was he happy after waking from sedation (can’t blame him really - poor kid wanted to sleep!). After some breakfast and play time, he had an EEG. He’s been taking anti seizure medication since the day his tumor was found, but he may get to come off the med if his EEG looks good (still awaiting results and follow up with neuro).

September 27 - Surgery
UPDATE (8:00pm) - After briefly waking from anesthesia, Hudson napped until after 5:30! When he woke up he wanted a “nack” right away and ate a whole bag of cheez its and part of a second bag. He also ate some mac and cheese and drank lots of water.

September 26 - Unexpected “Excitement”
Hudson continues to keep us on our toes. His ANC is 0, and he got platelets again this morning. His appetite is pretty low (only ate cheez-it’s and a fig bar today ), and he was definitely not as happy/playful as normal. And he refused to nap, so let’s just say we’re both worn out tonight.