Prayer Resources
Pray with us for Hudson
Please find the prayer card we created for Hudson below, along with some other prayer resources you might consider praying for him. We will also add any communal prayer vigils, etc., that might occur through his treatment process.
Jesus, we trust in you. ♡
Hudson’s Prayer Card
We ask everyone in Hudson’s community to please join us in praying this prayer for Hudson daily (or more!) during this journey. If you would like to print copies to distribute to others, feel free to download the files below. Thank you for your prayers!
Other Prayer Resources
Unsure what prayers to say for Hudson? Here are a few recommendations:
Novena to St. Peregrine
Recognized as the patron saint for those suffering from cancer, St. Peregrine himself was cured of cancer after he received a vision of Christ on the cross reaching out His hand to touch his impaired limb. A novena prayer is said over 9 consecutive days for a particular intention - in this case, Hudson’s total healing.
Litany of Trust
This beautiful prayer of meditation can help us express faith and trust in God’s purpose for our lives and the life of Hudson, especially as he battles AT/RT. Originally written by the Sisters of Life, each reflection is answered with the response of “Deliver me, Jesus” or “Jesus, I trust in you,” a prayer close to Matt and Paige’s hearts right now.
Rosary to Our Lady
We invite Hudson’s prayer community to offer the Rosary for the intention of Hudson’s healing, especially asking for the intercession of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. A meditative prayer that recognizes the role of the Virgin Mary in asking special favors from her Son, we ask Mary to pray to Jesus on our behalf for total healing of Hudson.
Surrender Novena
As Hudson begins treatment, Paige and Matt will pray a Surrender Novena and invite others to join them. This prayer is from the words given by Jesus to Servant of God Fr. Don Dolindo Ruotolo, a friend of St. Padre Pio. It is a prayer that is especially timely now, as we all try to grow in trust and abandonment to God’s providence.