October 2 - We are Home!

ROUND 2 We’re home! ✅💪🏻

We got a huge and welcome surprise during rounds this morning when they said Hudson could be discharged! I had already calculated his ANC from his lab results on MyChart, so I knew he was only at 170, and I was expecting it would need to be a bit higher before they let us go. But the oncology team felt he could finish recovering at home, so we happily packed up and headed south!

I wish I had taken video of Hudson when we picked up Kate from school and first arrived home. Even in the car, as we pulled into our neighborhood, he started shouting “home!” and “Daddy!” He was thrilled to be home, and it made it so much sweeter for me to hear and see his excitement.

Unfortunately, Clare is still battling some illness, so we’re not all together yet. We are so thankful for Grandma and Grandpa taking good care of her so that she doesn’t expose Hudson to her germs. I’m so anxious to see her and hug her. Hopefully soon we’ll all be home together. 🙏🏻

We are planning to soak up this week at home! Next up is a sedated auditory brain response test on Monday, followed by admission for Hudson’s first round of high dose chemo with stem cell transplant on Thursday (10/10). Although Hudson’s recent imaging was incredible and so very encouraging, we have to complete the remainder of his protocol to try and ensure the cancer does not have a chance to return.

While on the way to the hospital early last Wednesday morning, I listened to the first episode of the newest season of the Abiding Together podcast (highly recommend!). During the podcast, Sr. Miriam James shared this quote from St. Catherine of Siena (one of my favorite saints, and Kate’s patron) which spoke directly to my soul.

“He will provide the way and the means, such as you could never have imagined. Leave it all to Him, let go of yourself, lose yourself on the Cross, and you will find yourself entirely.”

Lord, we leave it all to you. 💛


October 10 - Time at Home & Round Three


October 1 - Great News