September 27 - Surgery

UPDATE (8:00pm) - After briefly waking from anesthesia, Hudson napped until after 5:30! When he woke up he wanted a “nack” right away and ate a whole bag of cheez its and part of a second bag. He also ate some mac and cheese and drank lots of water. He spent some time with his Uncle Nick and even played a bit. He is having a bit of pain so just got Tylenol and now is watching his pal, Blippi. Hopefully he still goes to sleep at a decent hour tonight after all that sleeping this afternoon! 😅

UPDATE (2:30pm) - Hudson is doing well and is in recovery! He is a sleepy head. They were able to place the broviac into the same vessel.

UPDATE (1:05pm) - they just took Hudson back to surgery!🙏🏻🙏🏻

We are still waiting for surgery. Initial thought was mid day, but since he’s an add on, it’s a bit unknown. There is also still a chance he’ll get bumped to tomorrow. Hudson just fell asleep, but it’s been a hard morning. Lots of crying and asking for “nacks” - how can you make him understand that, after days and days of offering food and snacks all day every day, that now he can’t eat when he wants to?! Poor buddy.

Join us in praying that we’ll go to pre op soon and have a successful surgery this afternoon. I really don’t want to have to keep him NPO all day just for surgery to get bumped.🙏🏻

Thank you all! 💛


September 30 - Follow-up MRI


September 26 - Unexpected “Excitement”