September 30 - Follow-up MRI


Hudson had a busy day! We had to wake him early for his MRI under sedation, and he wasn’t too happy about it, nor was he happy after waking from sedation (can’t blame him really - poor kid wanted to sleep!). After some breakfast and play time, he had an EEG. He’s been taking anti seizure medication since the day his tumor was found, but he may get to come off the med if his EEG looks good (still awaiting results and follow up with neuro). After lunch, he decided he no longer wanted to sleep, so he ended up going without a nap today. 🫠 But we had lots of good play time this afternoon! This week he’s living on cheez its, easy mac, and yogurt pouches. It seems each week he picks just a couple of things to eat and that’s it! We’re thankful he’s got at least some appetite back! 🙌🏻

Matt came up on Saturday morning and is staying with us until tomorrow. He had taken off work to be with us for all of the tests and procedures Hudson was scheduled for (when they were supposed to be outpatient), so he decided to stay with us anyway. The girls are having a ball at home with their Mimi and Papa. It’s been so good to have Daddy here with us - he brings lots of fun!

We don’t have official results from the MRI yet, but Hudson’s oncologist stopped us in the hall and said the preliminary report looked really good, so that is encouraging! We should be able to talk with him about the final report tomorrow.

We are so thankful for the support of our family and friends - words of encouragement, places to stay, meals, gifts, and most especially, prayers! Your prayers continue to give us strength and hope. The outpouring of prayer for Hudson’s testing today was overwhelming and amazing. Thank you all so much. 💛

Hudson will have his pre transplant kidney testing tomorrow - thankfully they were able to reschedule to get it done while we’re still here. His ANC was still 0 today, so please pray for his counts to begin rising and then skyrocket - we are ready to come home! 🙏🏻


Hudson just went back for his brain and spine MRI! They had to postpone his lumbar puncture because his platelets are below 50. Please join us in prayer for no signs of cancer!

St. James, pray for us.

St. Peregrine, pray for us.

Jesus, we trust in you! 💛


October 1 - Great News


September 27 - Surgery