September 26 - Unexpected “Excitement”
Hudson continues to keep us on our toes. 😅
His ANC is 0, and he got platelets again this morning. His appetite is pretty low (only ate cheez-it’s and a fig bar today ), and he was definitely not as happy/playful as normal. And he refused to nap, so let’s just say we’re both worn out tonight. 🫠
The real “excitement” today came when it was time to change his central line dressing. Honestly this process is one of the worst things. It has to be done weekly, and it’s awful. Imagine trying to hold a thrashing and crying toddler still, while he has to wear a mask, so they can pull a giant, super sticky band aid off, scrub the tender skin under it, and put a new bandaid on. All while trying to remain clean. Not fun.
Last week when Hudson had his dressing change, the stitches that held the catheter in place had come loose. At the time, the nurse tried to secure it with steri strips under the main part of the dressing. Today, when they took his dressing off, and while he was kicking and thrashing, his central line started to slide out. So they slapped a clean dressing on as quickly as possible, and Hudson went to radiology to get an X-ray to check the placement. Luckily, the line is still in good position, so it can still be used tonight. Unluckily, the “cuff” of the line, which is supposed to be under his skin, is no longer under the skin, and this has to be fixed in surgery.
Surgery is planned for tomorrow. We don’t know the time yet and expect he’ll need 1-2 more platelet transfusions overnight to ensure it’ll be safe. Since he completed his pheresis already, they are planning to replace his pheresis line with a broviac line.
This is unexpected and frustrating. Anesthesia and surgery is always scary, and I hate that he has to go through this again. His kidney testing that was scheduled for tomorrow is going to have to be rescheduled for sometime between now and transplant. This is not part of the plan! 😩
Please pray for Hudson. Pray for a successful surgery, no excessive bleeding, no infection, no pain, better appetite. I’ll try to update when we find out what time he’ll be in surgery. Thank you all so much for your prayers!
Jesus, I trust in you! Help me to surrender to your plan. 💛