September 25 - Hospital Again

Welp, here we are again.

Hudson had his psychologist appointment for developmental testing today (pre transplant requirement) followed by a clinic visit for his vincristine infusion and platelets. We got up early to make it to his testing by 8am (he did great on the Bayley until he decided he wanted to be done and kept trying to leave the room 😅). He then had a short break, and we camped out in the family center, where he ended up falling asleep in the stroller. By the time we went for his infusion appointment at 11:15, he had spiked a fever, and so we’re admitted again.

This one is especially painful because it’s Clare’s 7th birthday today, and we had plans to celebrate as a family with pizza and cake this evening. Since we left before she woke this morning, I haven’t been able to give her a birthday hug or snuggle, and it’s been hard on my momma heart. I know the days of her wanting mom’s snuggles are dwindling faster than I’d like to admit, so this one hurts. 😢

Thankfully, her grandparents and local aunts, uncles, and cousins rose to the occasion to fill in for Hudson and I at the pizza party! I know they are doing everything they can to make her feel as loved and as special as she is. ❤️

Hudson just got his Benadryl and vincristine and will get platelets and packed RBCs in a bit. We’re watching for a reaction. He’s getting sleepy from the Benadryl. We’ll be here until we see counts come back up, likely several days.

We SO appreciate your prayers! Please pray for an uneventful admission, good appetite and rest, no bleeding or nausea/vomiting.

Jesus, we trust in you! 💛


September 26 - Unexpected “Excitement”


September 23 - Two Months