September 23 - Two Months
Today marks two months since one of the scariest days of our parenthood, when we woke up to Hudson having a seizure and found out there was a mass in his brain. Since then, he’s had tumor resection surgery, central line placement, two rounds of induction chemo, admission for febrile neutropenia, and more imaging and tests and labs than I can count. In some ways, it’s hard to believe that it’s only been two months, as he’s gone through so much already in that short time. In other ways, July and our “normal life,” life before cancer, feels like ages ago.
I wanted to try to find the words to tell you all that, in these two months, we have felt completely and totally overwhelmed by support, love, and HOPE because of our family, friends, and community; but honestly, I don’t have words. I am just truly speechless. When I think about the prayer service at SV prior to Hudson beginning his treatment, the gifts, cards, prayers and masses and rosaries offered, meals, financial support, and then, the K of C benefit meal yesterday - honestly, it is unreal. Tears. I don’t think there are enough words to express our gratitude. We have had SO many people reach out to us with messages of prayer, offering help, giving support. I have always known that we are part of an amazing family and community, but my goodness. This is something else.
We are so thankful. Truly, you all give us hope and strength. You make it possible for us to focus on Hudson and the girls with less worry, stress, and fear. I wish there was more that we could say and do - just, THANK YOU.
We continue to pray for Hudson to remain afebrile so we do not have readmission. He had outpatient labs drawn this morning, but we have not heard anything on those yet. If we are able to stay out of the hospital, we still have testing/appointments in STL on Wednesday, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday, so prayers for safe travel and good test results are so appreciated. On Monday, he’ll have a repeat brain/spine MRI and another lumbar puncture, checking for the status of the cancer, so we need big prayers for no sign of cancer! His next scheduled admission will be for his first high dose chemo/stem cell transplant cycle, starting on 10/10.
Jesus, we trust in you! 💛