September 19 - Back Home
We’re home! 🙌💛🙌
Hudson and I arrived home around 9 this evening. The girls were already asleep, but Hudson was thrilled to see his daddy and play a little before going back to sleep (he slept the whole way home). The rest of his week of chemo went fairly smoothly, but he’s definitely experiencing nausea and lack of appetite, and he has had several episodes of vomiting over the last couple of days. He reacted to the vincristine again today, even with Benadryl on board, but he didn’t seem bothered by the rash/hives. He should have just one more infusion of vincristine next week.
Highlights of our week were our special visitors - Mimi and Great Aunt Sr. Carol on Monday, Grandma and Grandpa on Wednesday, and many, many special “puppies” who came throughout the week. Hudson loves seeing the therapy dogs who come into the hospital, and one benefit of being on the 9200 side this week was that the dogs were allowed on the floor (they cannot go on the 9100 side). He has even started to ask to see a “puppy” after hard things (like changing his central line dressing) or when he’s sad. They definitely cheer him up! 🥰
Please join us in prayer as we thank God for getting us to this point and ask for the gift of good time at home as a family. Pray for Hudson’s nausea and vomiting to subside, for his appetite to improve, and for him to stay fever free and healthy as his ANC drops following this round of chemo. We are so grateful for your prayers!
Jesus, we trust in you! 💛