September 15 - Weekend Recap
Weekend update!
Matt came up on Friday after work and spent Friday and Saturday nights with Hudson so I could have a couple nights out of the hospital. There’s just something about having Daddy here - he brings the fun and energy! Clare, Kate, and my parents came Saturday afternoon after Clare’s rainy soccer game, and we had a good visit. Then they got to have a sleepover with Uncle T, Aunt Shelby, and Lily, which they LOVED. They came back for another visit this afternoon. It was so good to spend some time together this weekend.
Hudson didn’t quite clear his methotrexate level on Saturday afternoon, so he continued on his extra fluids again today until they redrew the level this afternoon. He gave us a little scare when they were trying to draw his methotrexate level today, though. They couldn’t get his red line to draw and so flushed it twice very quickly, and he had a coughing and gagging fit and then became very lethargic and actually fell asleep, even though he had already taken a nap. This was very alarming considering just prior he was playing dinosaurs and singing wheels on the bus. One of the attendings came to see him, his lungs were clear and vitals stayed good. They did a chest X-ray in his room to make sure his line looked ok, and it was fine. They were able to draw the lab from his blue line and put TPA in his red line, and it’s drawing again now. They think maybe the quick flushes just overwhelmed him and he was feeling/tasting it, causing him to gag and cough and maybe feel like a choking feeling. We still aren’t really sure, but after 30-45 minutes he was acting fairly normal again, and later in the evening he was running and jumping around the hall again. Thank you, Jesus!
The good news is that he cleared his methotrexate, so he’ll get his next chemo meds in the morning. The timing of the lab plus the weird episode plus the pharmacy timing didn’t pan out for him to get the chemo this evening. Which is ok, because we had already had enough excitement for the day.
We are blessed that while we’re here at Children’s we are just a few blocks away from the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis. And to be honest, lately I’ve been struggling some to pray. I know in my heart of hearts that God is good, and I am trying daily to surrender Hudson to Him, but I have really failed some days at prayer. Maybe it’s fear or anger or laziness, but it just feels easier to pick up my phone and scroll, or read, or honestly, do anything at all, than to talk to God about our life right now. But this morning at mass and during confession, I was overwhelmed again by God’s faithfulness in spite of my littleness, by His love and goodness in spite of my failures.
We heard in the Gospel today that "whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” This journey is not what we would have ever, ever chosen for ourselves, but God chose this path for us. We may never know why, at least not on this side of heaven. But we’ll do our best each day to take up our cross, unite it to His, and follow Him.
Thank you for your prayers and love. Truly, they are holding us up. Especially on the days that we can’t find our own words to talk to God.
Jesus, we trust in you. 💛