January 15 - We’re Home!
Hudson and I got home a little after 1pm today, and he was SO excited to be home. With Clare’s illness prior to his chemo admission, the poor guy hadn’t been home since December 20! 😱 He got to see his new train table for the first time and spent lots of time playing trains this afternoon. He skipped nap today because all he wanted to do was play. Hudson was so happy to see his sisters when we picked them up from school today, and they had a good afternoon/evening together. It is SO GOOD to all be under the same roof, finally!
Hudson’s platelets had been a little slow to stabilize, which is why we ended up staying until today. They were planning to give him platelets first thing this morning prior to sending us home, but today he was actually well above his threshold, so he was able to go without a platelet transfusion. We’ll follow up in clinic on Friday to see how his numbers look. Hudson’s NG tube was removed on Monday and his appetite is improving. He’s drinking well and taking his meds without much complaint, too. He stayed very active the last couple days, and he was literally running laps up and down the hallway one evening before bed (while I chased him with his IV pole 😅🤣). He also enjoyed some scooter rides with his sweet friend. 🥰
It’s kind of hard to believe that Hudson’s completed all of his chemo on this protocol! Thank you, Jesus, for getting us to this point. It was bittersweet leaving today, because we’ve met so many amazing people who have cared for Hudson (and all of us, truthfully) during his inpatient stays! We are so thankful for their support and for their care as a hematology/oncology team. They are special souls doing special work, that is for sure. 💛
Hudson’s body and immune system still have a way to go for recovery after the chemo, so we’ll continue weekly clinic visits, but as long as he stays healthy, he should be through the worst of it, and this is a huge relief. Hudson will have post transplant testing around day +100, and they’ll recheck his kidney function, heart, and hearing.
Up next for treatment is radiation. Hudson will have an MRI and meet with his radiation oncologist on 2/13, so we’ll learn more about the process then. What we know so far is that he’ll have focal radiation (just the area where the tumor was and a small margin around it), five days per week for six weeks, on an outpatient basis. It should start around the beginning of March.
Thank you all for continuing to pray for our fighter! There’s no way we could have made it to this point without your support, encouragement, and prayers! We are so appreciative of you all. 💛