January 12 - Weekend Update
Weekend update!
Hudson is doing great, and it was SO GOOD to see him and Matt when I arrived around lunch time today. His ANC is 5000 today and was 1700 yesterday, so he’s met his goal of 1500 twice. He has continued to need platelets every day for the last 9-10 days. There’s a chance we could be coming home as early as tomorrow, but it likely will depend on his platelet count compared to his threshold tomorrow.
Matt said Hudson’s been full of energy and played really well this week/weekend. We’re hoping to go home without the NG tube, and Hudson’s been able to return to taking his oral meds by mouth and is starting to eat and drink more, too. We’re hopeful that when he gets in his home environment his appetite will perk up even more. So far this has been the case after each round of chemo.
The girls and I had such a fun week - the highlight was definitely two full days of sledding and snow play! I had been missing them so much, so it felt like the snow day was a little gift to us to have an extra full day together. Luckily I was able to low census from work to fully enjoy it with them. The girls continue to be so brave in the face of another long separation of our family, and they’re always thinking and asking about their brother. I’m anxious to all be together again soon, and I know they are, too.
I think Hudson is really doing as well as could be expected. He is truly so tough and resilient! Thank you all so much for your prayers for him and for all of us. I’ve said it before, but I know your prayers are getting us through this trial. Thank you!
Jesus, we trust in you. 💛