February 1 - Trip with the Girls

It’s a two post kind of day!

Matt and I were able to sneak the girls away for some fun in St. Louis today. We were gifted tickets to Disney on Ice by Friends of Kids with Cancer, and the show did not disappoint! The girls LOVED the show (so did I, let’s be honest 🤩). It was the perfect way to spend our morning. Then we had a late lunch at Cracker Barrel per the girls’ request, and made our way to the Magic House for some afternoon fun. I’m so thankful for a day where we could make the girls feel special. Since we were blessed with the tickets, it was a little easier to say yes to the overpriced snow cones and souvenirs - such a treat! And maybe a dangerous precedent. 😅 Oh well! It truly was a great day.

I’ve mentioned them before, but Friends of Kids with Cancer is such an amazing organization that provides support to families of kiddos going through cancer treatment in the STL area. What’s most incredible is how they care for the entire family. They knew that Hudson wouldn’t be able to go to the show with his current immunocompromised state, but still saw how valuable it would be for the girls to have a special day with Matt and I. Please consider keeping them in mind for your charitable giving this year - you can even give in Hudson’s honor! Thank you to those of you who already have. 💛

Special thanks to Grandpa Ron for keeping Hudson busy today while we were away. Or maybe it was Hudson keeping him busy… 😉


February 11 - Hudson Update


February 1 - Update on Hudson