February 1 - Update on Hudson
Hudson and I went to clinic again yesterday. His ANC was 770 (up from 650 on Monday), platelets were 59 (up from 45) and hemoglobin was 7.9 (up from 7.5), so no blood product needed. His weight is also stable/up slightly, and he is eating and playing well. Everything is moving the right direction! He’ll get labs repeated this coming Monday, and as long as everything continues to trend upward, we may get a week off from a trip to St. Louis next week! 🙌🏻 I don’t know when we last had a week (besides when admitted) without at least one trip up there… maybe not at all since starting chemo in August.
The bone marrow transplant team, which has been managing his care since just before his first stem cell transplant cycle in October, feels ready to “bow out” and pass Hudson’s care back to his primary neuro oncology team. We’re really proud of our little guy and how amazing he’s done through this process. He’s a tough dude!
We still need lots of prayers for him to stay healthy! We’re keeping him home as best we can, but with sisters at school and mom and dad at work, there’s always a chance one of us will bring something home to him. We all know there’s no short supply of illness going around right now 🫣
Also want to give a huge shout out and thank you to our parents, who have made it possible for me to work by giving up LOTS of their free time to watch Hudson (and this week, the girls, too!). We’re so grateful and couldn’t do this without them. Grandma and Grandpa, Mimi and Papa - you guys are the MVPs. ❤️❤️
Hope you all have a safe and healthy weekend. Thanks for your prayers and support! 💛