August 28 - Hospital Update

Time for a Hudson update…

Hudson had his first ambulance ride up here on Monday night and was apparently so excited that he only slept for around 15 min of the trip. This made for an interesting Monday night - because he arrived at Children’s around 11:30pm, so by time they got all his assessment and labs done for admission, he didn’t settle in to sleep until around 1:30am!

The goal of this admission is to keep him on IV antibiotics until his white cell counts are high enough to go home. Yesterday was a fairly quiet day, but with his sleep schedule amiss after Monday’s shenanigans and a few episodes of vomiting in the mix, too. He enjoyed a visit from Grandma Lori and Uncle Nick yesterday evening. He got a bag of platelets yesterday, and this morning got a whole blood transfusion (hemoglobin fell below 7) and another bag of platelets, too. These are not surprising things to his team considering his chemo regimen.

He is still experiencing some nausea/vomiting and lack of appetite, but he did eat a fair amount of lunch today - definitely his best meal since being here this admission. He saw PT/OT for evaluations this morning and was, quite frankly, a bit grumpy and super clingy to mom, but we made it through. He seemed to perk up a bit before falling asleep for nap, so hopefully he will be feeling better when he wakes up.

We are likely going to be here for the rest of the week and potentially through the weekend, it just depends how his counts recover. They are trying to move his audiogram from next week to this week while we’re here. The plan is to also see the dentist before the week is through (this is a requirement before the stem cell transplant cycles).

We praise God for our blessings and all the ways He’s already provided for us on this journey! Please continue to lift Hudson in prayer - for white cell counts to rise quickly, for no discomfort/nausea/vomiting, for a return in his appetite so we can keep his weight up. Please also pray for Matt and the girls, as they continue on with life at home. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Also, thank you to all those who take time to donate blood and platelets. What a gift to help patients like Hudson recover!

Jesus, we trust in you.


August 30 - Hard Week


August 26 - Back to the Hospital