August 30 - Hard Week

Hudson (nap time) update:

We’re still hanging out at Children’s, waiting for his white count to come up. This morning his ANC is still 0, so we haven’t seen much progress yet. Hopefully once it starts coming up it will rebound quickly! He is supposed to start a high dose of the medication to stimulate his bone marrow for pheresis tomorrow, so that should help.

Yesterday was hard. Hudson woke up at 5am with his nose bleeding, and we fought nosebleeds (even up to 40 minutes without stopping at one point) until around 10am when ENT came and packed his nose. The bleeding was scary and so frustrating for him because we were having to hold his nose constantly, and the packing process was horrible. But thankfully, he has not had a bleed since then. After the craziness of the morning, he took a LONG and well deserved nap. Overall, he was pretty puny yesterday. He spiked a fever again before bed last night, so they are repeating blood cultures.

Today, Hudson woke up with no fever and a bit more energy. He played well with PT and had a nice walk around the unit. His Mimi came to visit and played ball. We had his dentist appointment and had no cavities and no concerns prior to his stem cell transplant cycles.

Over the last couple of days, Hudson’s hair has really started to fall out. Yesterday afternoon he had a lot of frustration with his hair tickling/itching his face and getting stuck on his lovey and paci (and so in his mouth). I’ve been covered in hair after he sits on my lap. So, since his Mimi/personal hairdresser was here today, we decided to go ahead and cut his hair. Obviously this was emotional and hard, but I know he’ll be more comfortable. This goes without saying, but he is still SO handsome. He was worn out after his busy morning, so the only post-haircut pic I could get was a nap time one.

Thank you again for keeping us in prayer! Please continue to pray - pray specifically for his ANC to come up, for no more nose bleeds (or any other kind of unexpected bleeds), for restful nights. It would be SO GOOD to be able to go home for a few days before starting his next round of chemo, but we will persevere either way. We’re both looking forward to seeing Daddy this weekend.

We’ve had some hard moments the last couple of days. We’ve both shed tears. But we’ve had some good moments, too. LOTS of good snuggles. Good visits with loved ones. Even some good play time. We trust that God is working all of this for His good. So even in the hard moments, we know God is with us. He goes before us, walks beside us, and follows behind us. We are not alone.

Jesus, we trust in you.


August 30 Update - Thankful


August 28 - Hospital Update