August 24 - We are Home
We are home!
Hudson and I made it home on Thursday afternoon, after he received his last chemo med and got his dressing for his central line changed. We are settling in at home, trying to stay organized with all his daily meds and line care. Hudson continues to have some nausea and occasional vomiting, but overall he is doing great! He enjoyed a day with Grandma and Grandpa yesterday so I could return to work. We’re enjoying a quiet weekend at home as a family!
Please continue to pray for Hudson. We’d appreciate prayers specifically for him to stay healthy during this time home, as his white cell counts drop from his first round of chemo, so that we do not have any unplanned trips to the hospital. Know of our gratitude for your prayers, gifts, meals, and support, which allow us to more fully focus on Hudson and our family. We are so blessed by our family and community!
Also, it has come to our attention that at least 1 run of “Hope for Hudson” shirts was printed with the ribbon color and the F and R color reversed (so a green ribbon and yellow F and R). The ribbon is supposed to be yellow for childhood cancer awareness. If you got a “Hope for Hudson” shirt that was printed incorrectly, I’m attaching a photo to this post with instructions on how to reach out to Bonfire for a replacement. So sorry this happened! Check out our cute little guy in his shirt to see what it’s supposed to look like.
Also, enjoy a few pics of our Clare on her first day of first grade!