August 21 - Midweek Update


Just got the official word that his CSF from his lumbar puncture was clear!!! No disease found!!! THANK YOU, JESUS!


Mid week update!

Overall, Hudson has had a pretty good week and has been sleeping better at night. Last night they had to increase his fluids due to blood in his urine, (side effect of one of his chemo meds) so they had to do a UA (and therefore a diaper change) every 2 hours, but he was able to settle back to sleep pretty well. Hudson’s also been feeling more puny and nauseous this morning, with a few episodes of vomiting so far. We are trying to keep it under control with his antiemetic meds. He’s had some fun this week, too - playing in the playroom and garden and with PT, OT, and music therapy, meeting and playing catch with some baseball players, and romping around the halls in his “pink car” and “blue twuck”.

I was thankful to have my sister Dani here with me at the hospital a few days, and my Dad yesterday - makes stepping out to do simple things like using the restroom, getting a meal, and doing Hudson’s laundry easier when there’s a second person. Our nursing team is fantastic and always ready to help when needed, too! Luckily, our room is right across from the nurses’ station, so when I’m alone with him, they are able to pop in easily if I need them.

We’ll begin injections later today to get his body ready for his pheresis (this is how they collect the WBCs to freeze and store for his stem cell transplants later in his treatment). Tomorrow, he’ll get his last chemo dose of this round, and we should be able to head home for a break! His pheresis will take place the week of Labor Day, and barring any complications, he’ll be admitted for his second round of chemo late that week, too.

Matt has been holding down the fort at home, along with help from family and friends, too. Today was the first day of school at SVS! Unfortunately, Clare was sick on Monday and Tuesday, even getting her own trip to the ER for fluids last night, so she missed back to school night and the first day. Sounds like Kate had a great first day, and Clare is feeling much better, so she’ll get her own first day tomorrow!

We are so thankful for everyone stepping in to help us - through gifts, meals, rooms to stay, play dates for the girls, and most especially, PRAYER. We’ll never be able to say thank you enough!!! There continue to be moments of fear, doubt, frustration, and anger at what Hudson has to endure - but in these moments, I am always met with peace, peace which can only come from Jesus. I know the prayers of our family, friends, and even strangers are helping us through those moments. Thank you!

And so, together we pray - Jesus, we trust in you.


August 24 - We are Home


August 18 - Weekend Update