August 18 - Weekend Update

Hudson is napping so I thought I’d write a quick update.

Thursday night Hudson got his first two chemo medications. He slept pretty well that night. Friday and Saturday involved lots of urinalysis and fluids, trying to stay busy, playing and romping around the hall, and watching for him to clear one of the chemo meds out of his system. This morning his labs showed he cleared the medication, so he was just hooked up to the first of two chemo meds he’ll receive today.

Hudson has been doing pretty well all things considered. The last two nights have been hard - restless, tossing and turning, and then finally getting settled only for them to come back for another diaper change or vital check or oral med to be given. Life in the hospital. He’s been taking good naps, I think to make up for his lack of nighttime rest. He definitely has some discomfort and lack of appetite. He’s eating much less than normal, and thankfully his IV fluids are keeping him well hydrated, because he doesn’t want to drink much. But we’ve played in the playroom several times and he has lots of toys and books to enjoy in his room. He continues to show us his strength - please pray he has minimal discomfort and nausea/vomiting associated with today’s infusions.

Yesterday his sisters came to visit! It was good to see them and spend some time with them, especially for me. It’s been incredibly hard to be away from them. We’re so thankful for our village at home taking good care of them. We know they are being loved on big time.

Thank you again for all your prayers - we have confidence that God is hearing our cries for healing!

Jesus, we trust in you.


August 21 - Midweek Update


August 15 - Treatment Begins