August 15 - Treatment Begins


Today starts the next phase of our treatment plan. Hudson went back to surgery for his central line placement and lumbar puncture just a little bit ago. As long as everything goes as planned, he should start his first round of chemo later today. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of our Mother Mary. I think it’s another sign of God’s faithfulness on this journey.

And so, we are begging Mary to wrap our Hudson in her mantle and carry him to her son Jesus today, to ask Him for a miracle. He performed the miracle at the wedding feast in Cana at her request, and we have hope that Mary will request another miracle of her Son today. Please join us in asking Mary to plead to Jesus for Hudson’s healing on our behalf.

On the way to the hospital today, I heard this song for the first time. I know God is faithful and will continue to walk with us through this journey. Please pray for us to have strength along the way.

Jesus, we trust in you.


Short update: Hudson is doing well! He was a little slower to wake up from the anesthesia this time, and he slept most of the afternoon. Now he’s watching “Let It Go” (Frozen) and eating Cheetos. He has some pain when moving around, but overall he’s proving his toughness again! He can’t start his chemo until his urine pH is a certain level, so we’re still waiting on that. He’ll probably get the first infusions overnight.

We can’t thank you all enough for your prayers today! Thank you, thank you. Please continue to pray - for no pain, for his chemo regimen to go smoothly and without complications, for safe travels home for daddy, for a restful night for both of us.


August 18 - Weekend Update


August 13 - Following our Journey