September 4 - Pheresis Today


We definitely got enough stem cells during his pheresis this morning! 🙌 🙌 Praise God! we are still waiting on final word for discharge. His ANC is below the typical threshold of 500 (he’s 390 today) so the resident is checking with the attending. Still a chance for coming home this evening. 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Hudson is undergoing his pheresis right now! He is resting with the help of some Benadryl (lying still is important for better collection) and his favorite movie, Frozen. So far the procedure is going well. Hopefully we are getting a good number of stem cells. They know exactly the amount we need to complete three transplants, so after they examine what is collected today, we’ll know if another day (or more) of pheresis is needed. They primed the machine with a blood transfusion to keep him comfortable, so he didn’t experience the feeling of losing blood.

We will likely be able to discharge home once his pheresis is complete - so that may be today but may be tomorrow or Friday, depending how collection goes. The team has decided to postpone his next round of chemo to next week Thursday so that Hudson and I can have some much needed time at home this weekend and early next week before being readmitted for chemo.

We are so grateful for your prayers! Enjoy a few pics from today and yesterday.


September 4 Update - Home!


September 2 - Another Weekend Here