September 2 - Another Weekend Here
Long weekend update!
I was planning to write an update last night but little guy didn’t fall asleep until 11pm 🫠 so midday update it is.
We’re still camped out at SLCH, waiting on his ANC. It was up to 79 yesterday but fell back to 56 today. It needs to be at least 500 to talk about going home. Today he got his third high dose of the medication which is stimulating his bone marrow for WBC production. They have reassured me that this is not at all uncommon, and they want to time the fast increase in WBCs with his pheresis (when they collect the cells to save for his transplants later). Pheresis is scheduled for Wednesday, so we’re still ok for now. Not sure yet if we’ll get a little break at home before his next round of chemo or if we’ll just head straight into it. By the calendar, chemo is supposed to start again later this week. Lots up in the air for the next few days, all depends on his labs. 🙏🏼
On Saturday, Matt came up and Hudson was pretty puny all day. He had fever on and off, low appetite, and very low energy. Mom got a night away from the hospital (🙌) while Matt took nighttime duty. After labs early Sunday morning, Hudson got platelets and a blood transfusion, and he perked up quite a bit. On Sunday, we had some special visitors - big sisters, Mimi, and Uncle Madison! Luckily, Hudson was feeling better and ready to play, and we had a great visit. Being away from the girls and Matt is so hard - for both Hudson and I. We were both sad when they left yesterday evening. I am so grateful for our time together and for Matt - he is the best dad and husband, and he’s been such a rockstar on the home front. ❤️
Today, Hudson has been wound for sound. Remember how he went to bed at 11pm?! Well, he woke up at 6am ready to romp around in the hallways (and was very upset when I made him wait until 8 to go out of the room). He got platelets again today. His appetite is the best it’s been in a few days (although we’re still pretty much living on uncrustables, nutrigrain bars, Oreos, and fruit 😅). We had some good playtime this morning and now I need this child to rest, ha! Settling down for naps is hard because his room doesn’t get very dark during the day, even with all the shades pulled. He is lying down now, so hopefully nap time is imminent.
Thank you, thank you for praying for us! Please continue to pray for Hudson to feel good, for his ANC to rise, and for pheresis to be successful this week. We are so proud of our little fighter and appreciate your prayers as we continue on this long journey. 🎗️
Jesus, we trust in you. 💛