October 22 - Midweek Update

Hudson had a good long weekend with his Daddy, and I SO enjoyed my weekend with the girls. Clare had a soccer tournament in Perryville this weekend, and we got some good cousin time in after her games on Saturday, and we had SVS Trunk or Treat on Sunday evening. Busy weekend! After work yesterday, I drove back up to STL to tag Matt out.

Hudson continues to spend his time hunting “rawrs” in the hallway, playing, and generally not eating much. He also has been taking fairly long naps lately. His ANC is still 0, but they are starting to see some monocyte recovery, which they said is usually a sign that neutrophil recovery will be happening soon. This morning Hudson ate some blueberry muffins and marshmallows, but then threw up just before his nap, right around the time his antiemetic was due. It seems his belly is still feeling pretty yucky. He has lost about 5% of his body weight overall, but he’s been holding steady for the last couple of days. We are going to try to see if he’ll drink some ensure clear or pediasure to get some good calories in. An NG tube is definitely still on the table. The team said when his counts start coming up he should start feeling a bit better and have more of an appetite, so they’re hopeful that’ll happen within a few days.

Overall we’re hanging in there! Hudson is such a trooper. Sometimes I wonder where he could possibly get his energy - he is doing so well considering what his little body is going through. We are so proud of him. The girls have been really big, too. We definitely had some tears on Sunday night before bed, knowing that mom had to go back to STL the next day. Kate relates all of this back to his surgery - so she will often say, “I wish Hudson didn’t have to get stitches.” But aside from a few moments here and there, both girls have been so brave through this all. We are so proud of them, too. ❤️

Thank you for your prayers! Please keep praying for us all, but especially for Hudson’s counts to rise quickly, for him to feel better, and for his appetite to improve so he can put some weight back on! 💛🎗️


October 26 - Weekend Update


October 18 - Week Update