October 14 - Transplant Day
Hudson’s stem cell transplant went great today! It was pretty fascinating, actually - they brought the frozen stem cells into the room and used a water bath to thaw them right there at the bedside. Then they drew them up into a big syringe and injected them straight into his line. The prep definitely took longer than the transplant itself - it couldn’t have taken more than 2 minutes. They had warned me that usually kids will vomit during the transplant, but Hudson did amazing. I guess his antiemetics were working well. 👍🏻 They’ll be monitoring his vitals closely for the next 12-24 hours. Hudson’s not a fan of his EKG leads or the constant wear of the O2 saturation sticker, because it makes it harder for him to be mobile. And for some reason, the preservative that was in with the stem cells makes him smell like creamed corn for a while, which is kind of funny and gross. 😆
Prior to the transplant, Hudson had great sessions with both PT and OT and some fun playtime with his Mimi. And mom even got to visit with a friend and go outside to walk and enjoy the beautiful fall weather while Mimi kept watch during Hudson’s nap. It’s been a good day.
Now we just wait for cell counts to recover! It’s hard to know how long that’ll take. They consider the transplant day “Day 0” and told me they’ve recently had kiddos similar to Hudson discharge as early as Day 15! Only time and labs will tell. 🙏🏼
Thank you for the extra prayers today! 💛