July 23 - The Storm Begins

Calling all friends, family, prayer warriors:

We are in the midst of a storm. Around 5 am on Tuesday morning, Matt and I woke up to the sound of Hudson having a seizure. This was a prolonged seizure that lasted (we think) around 10 minutes. Thankfully, we had his sister Clare’s diastat rescue medication from when she was around his age, and were able to get the seizure stopped before EMS arrived. At the ER, a CT revealed a mass on the left side of his brain. Hudson received the Sacrament of anointing of the sick and was flown from the St. Francis ER to St. Louis Children’s ICU yesterday morning. Since being here, he had an MRI of his brain and spine under anesthesia. The mass is on the left side of his brain, pretty close to the surface (best case scenario is that the mass is growing between the skull and brain tissue for easier removal with fewer side effects). There are no other masses in his brain/spine that they could see. They plan to do a CT of his chest/abdomen/pelvis today to make sure this mass isn’t a result of tumors elsewhere. They have started him on steroids for the swelling around the tumor. Surgery was going to be Monday, but thanks be to God, a spot on the schedule opened up, so it’ll be tomorrow morning at 0730. Once we have pathology information, we’ll determine a treatment plan going forward.

Other than frustration of being hooked to his IV and all the other monitors and the hangriness of being NPO yesterday, Hudson is doing remarkably well. So far we have not seen any symptoms other than the seizure, and we praise God for that blessing. He enjoyed a walk to the garden today and has been playing. Blippi is his BFF.

We have already been totally overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from our family and friends. We know your prayers are holding us up. Thank you, thank you. I cannot say it enough. We know we serve a mighty God who works all things for good. We trust in his providence and plan for our sweet boy Hudson. We ask that you continue to pray for Hudson, for us, and for his entire medical team.

From the Litany of Trust:

From all suspicion of Your words and promises … Deliver me, Jesus.

From the rebellion against childlike dependency on You … Deliver me, Jesus.

From refusals and reluctances in accepting Your will … Deliver me, Jesus.

From anxiety about the future … Deliver me, Jesus.

That You are continually holding me, sustaining me, loving me … Jesus, I trust in you.

That not knowing what tomorrow brings is an invitation to lean on You … Jesus, I trust in you.

That Your plan is better than anything else … Jesus, I trust in you.

That You always hear me, and in Your goodness always respond to me … Jesus, I trust in you.

That You give me all the strength I need for what is asked … Jesus, I trust in you.

Jesus, we trust in you.


July 25 - Hudson’s Surgery