December 21 - Update from Home
Well, it seems that the Christmas celebration we had hoped for isn’t in the cards this year. Last night, Clare and I ended up in the ER after she had a coughing/wheezing fit and couldn’t catch her breath for around 30 minutes. Thankfully, by the time we got there and were seen, she was doing much better - I ended up feeling kind of silly being there by that time. But, it was a productive visit, because we found out she has influenza A. The recommendation of the ER doctor and Hudson’s oncology team is to keep Hudson and Clare in separate houses if at all possible, and so, it seems we won’t be together for Christmas after all.
I’d be lying if I said I haven’t cried, or questioned why this would happen, or felt like having a big pity party. But then I remember there are plenty of families who are wishing that it was only the flu keeping them from their loved ones this Christmas. So we will do our best to keep everyone else healthy, nurse Clare back to her normal self, and, despite the circumstances, feel “a thrill of hope”, rejoicing in the birth of our Savior, grateful that He would come to be with us in this mess.
Hudson will still have labs and a respiratory panel on Monday. We are hopeful that he’ll be able to begin his next round on Friday as planned. We’d appreciate continued prayers for Hudson’s health (and all the rest of us, too), for a good ANC count and negative panel on Monday, and for a quick recovery for Clare. Thank you all so much! 🙏🏻
Hudson had a special delivery of musical instruments from Ollie’s Orchestra yesterday - a foundation that provides musical play for kiddos going through cancer treatment. Enjoy his rendition of his favorite song, “E-I-E-I-O.” 🤩🥰