December 2 - Back Home!
We are HOME! Hudson and I made it home around 6:30 this evening, thanks to the intercession of Mary and our guardian angels working overtime! I was not expecting the roads to be so slick on our way home, but there was definitely black ice on the bridges and several wrecks along I-55. We had a couple slippery, scary moments of our own. To say I was relieved to be safe at home would be an understatement. And to say Hudson was excited to see Daddy and the girls would also be an understatement! 🥰
Hudson continues to show us how tough he is! He did awesome again this round. His ANC made it over 1500 on Friday, so he met the 1500 twice requirement on Saturday. However, he was still needing platelet transfusions and had testing scheduled for today (results still pending). Today his platelets were over his outpatient transfusion threshold, so we were good to go home, but they went ahead and gave him platelets anyway to try to bridge him until we go to clinic on Friday. And his appetite has improved enough that they felt he could come home without the NG tube! 🙌🏻
On Saturday, Matt came to the hospital with Hudson, and I met my parents and the girls at Trent and Shelby’s house for a mini Thanksgiving celebration. The girls were thrilled with the snow, and we had fun playing outside. They loved play time with their cousin Lily and craft time with Aunt Shelby. It was a GREAT weekend outside of the hospital!
Thank you all for continuing to pray for Hudson and all of us! These long hospital stays are challenging for everyone. Hudson’s been talking about going home for several days. The way he would light up with excitement when talking about seeing the girls was both heartwarming and heartbreaking. Both girls had different moments of tears and distress while we were together this weekend, which I think is just evidence of how hard this is on them, too. But what a blessing to have made it this far in his protocol! We are so looking forward to our time at home, just being together and preparing for Christmas. Please pray for good health for us all during this time and for total and complete healing from this cancer!
Jesus, we trust in you! 💛