October 30 - HOME!


Hudson and I got home yesterday afternoon! He was so excited to be home and to play outside yesterday evening. I loved getting to surprise the girls and pick them up after school. The girls are very excited that we’ll all be together for Halloween. Hudson’s appetite is already improved since being home. Hopefully he’ll continue to put some weight back on in preparation for next week.

We’re looking forward to spending a week at home as a family, in our own beds, and getting as much fresh air as we can! We’re thankful for grandparents helping to watch Hudson so I can work a few days this week. I know he’s loving his time with Grandma and Grandpa today.

Up next is clinic visit and sedated ABR (hearing test) on Friday, and admission for chemo round 4/transplant round 2 next Thursday afternoon. Please pray for Hudson to get over his parainfluenza 1 (and to not contract anything else while home!) - he’ll have another nasal swab on Friday, and another positive may put us back in isolation right away next admission. Pray for good appetite and weight gain, good play time with family, no hearing loss, and complete healing! 🙏🏻

Jesus, we trust in you! 💛


November 4 - Time at Home


October 26 - Weekend Update