November 8 - ANC Update

Hi friends!

Quick carline update - Hudson and I went to clinic in St. Louis this morning and his ANC is only 409 today! 😱 No one on his team seems super alarmed by this considering the amount of chemo he had, but it feels surprising and frustrating. And he’s honestly doing so well - it’s hard to imagine his counts aren’t, too. Plan is to restart neupogen injections (he got one at clinic and will get one Saturday and Sunday) and redraw labs Monday. If he’s >750 at that time, we’ll stop the neupogen and redraw labs Wednesday. If he holds >750 without the neupogen, we can start his next round on Thursday as planned.

Please pray for Hudson’s ANC to come up and stay up! We want to get on with beating this cancer! 💪🏻🎗️


November 11 - ANC is Up!


November 4 - Time at Home