November 14 - Next Round!

We’re hanging on tight to Mama Mary! ☺️

We had a great bonus week at home! Matt and Hudson left this afternoon for Children’s. When we were anticipating the 11/7 admission date, we had planned for Matt and I to switch for the end of this week and weekend, so Matt was already scheduled off and I already had patients scheduled. We decided just to stick with our work schedules, so Matt will be starting the admission this afternoon and stay through the weekend, and I’ll go up on Monday to swap. Hudson will get fluids through the night tonight, chemo tomorrow and Saturday, and stem cell transplant on Monday.

We’re so so thankful for our parents, who have helped to keep Hudson so Matt and I can continue to work as much as possible. We miss his daycare family SO incredibly much, and I know he’d love to go to school, but we have to keep him as healthy as we can. I can’t say enough about his school and all they do to keep the kiddos healthy - but when there’s that many kids around, there’s only so much that can be done. What a joyful day it’ll be when he’s healthy enough to go back to school! 💪🏻

Please join us in prayer for Hudson in a special way this evening as he begins this next round of treatment. Pray for strength to endure, no adverse side effects, and total and complete healing. Thank you so much for your prayers for our little fighter!

St. James, pray for us.

St. Peregrine, pray for us.

Jesus, we trust in you! 💛


November 18 - Transplant Day


November 11 - ANC is Up!