August 1 - Pathology Report
I’ve been putting off making this post because, to be honest, it’s not the post I want to make.
Yesterday, Hudson went to daycare. Isn’t that incredible?! Just 6 days after having major brain surgery, he was able to go back to daycare, and he did fantastic! He went again today, and went all day without pain meds. I honestly think, if not for the giant incision on his head, that if you didn’t know what he’s been through in the last week, you wouldn’t know. And that, in and of itself, feels like a miracle. Yesterday, after dropping Hudson off at daycare and the girls at summer care, Matt and I were able to return to work. It felt like some normalcy. Like the waters of this storm were receding, if only for a moment. A sense of calm.
And then we got the call. A day earlier than anticipated. The pathology was in. Hudson has AT/RT (atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor). This is a scary one. Google is terrifying. The encouraging news - the news that we are clinging to - is that the treatment for this type of tumor has changed dramatically over the last 5 years or so, and they’ve found that kids are doing better. But it will be a fight, a major fight. We will be going to St. Louis Children’s for a meeting with neuro-oncology on Tuesday to discuss a plan, which will include chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, and radiation therapy. We are also being referred to St. Jude’s in Memphis to see if they would accept Hudson as a patient. We are praying for peace and clarity to know on which path to proceed to best help our sweet boy on this journey.
The waters have risen. And it feels a bit like we’re gasping for air. We are devastated and terrified and absolutely dreading what our little guy will have to endure. But we have hope in a God that can calm the waters. We gain our strength from looking at the cross and knowing that Jesus helps us to carry ours. We believe that Jesus taught Peter to walk on the water, and with faith, He can do the same for us.
Please pray for Hudson. Pray for complete healing from this cancer, pray for a miracle. Pray for strength to endure the treatments. Pray for us, that we may be the advocates and supporters that he needs and deserves during this time. Pray for the girls, for understanding, for as much normalcy as we can provide.
We are so thankful for the prayers and support we’ve already received, I’ll never have enough words to say thank you. We are humbly asking that you continue to pray for us on this journey.
Jesus, we trust in you.